CESUGA University College

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ES Spain
EUROSCI Network University Index: 
About the University: 

CESUGA stands for Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios de Galicia and is a private university college located in the city of A Coruña. Created in 1995, it was originally affiliated to University College Dublin, the Irish research-intensive university that has been ranked consistently among the world's top 200 by QS Global World Ranking. CESUGA's close association with UCD was reflected by the fact that the coats of arms of both institutions shared the same shape and colours.

CESUGA has been since 2014 affiliated to Universidad San Jorge, a private university in Zaragoza, Spain. It offers degree programmes in business administration, architecture, translation and intercultural communication, advertising and public relations. Degrees are awarded by Universidad San Jorge and accredited by the Spanish national quality assessment and accreditation agency ANECA.

In 2019, a new group of local businessmen acquired a stake in the capital of CESUGA, and a new CEO was appointed.

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