Recreation and leisure activities
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The general objective of this course is to introduce the student to the repertoire of recreation and leisure activities, providing the necessary tools to support professional activities, such as clubs, hotels, gym, etc., in public, private and third sectors (non-governmental organization). The specific objectives are: a) Provide an opportunity for reflection on theory and practice about leisure as a social and human right and b) Provide an opportunity to experience the cultural content of leisure, in a critical way. The course covers all main aspects about how to work with leisure activities with different social groups and in different environments. The course is based on the leisure theory by the Brazilian and French authors. This course teaches both online and presentially format. In its online format, this course discusses the repertoire of activities in recreation and leisure using games as a means to explore the different contents of leisure (social, touristic, physical, manual, intellectual, artistic) and also games as a physical content. Some games used in the course are the “print and play” kind (for example, the students play a game about a half marathon), other games are used to help students understand and memorize the theory. In its presential format, the students can practice different examples of recreation and leisure activities, including games and activities create by the students during the course. At the end of the course in presential or online format, the students have to prepare a presentation or produce a short video about the theoretical and practical aspects of the course. This course is recommended to students and professionals of different areas: Physical Education, Sports, Physiotherapy, Public Health, Leisure, Hospitality, Tourism, Education, Administration, Public Policies etc.
This is a weekly course, with 1h30 meetings, up to a maximum of 15 weeks. The final exercise will consist of a presentation about one topic of the course in power point format or production of a short video, including discussion about the theory and application of leisure activities. This final exercise is in group of up maximum 4 people. The students are individually assessed by doing some exercises. Some games like “print and play” are used as strategy for the classes online and some other games are created to enforce the content of the classes. Some games are individual and others in group. At the end of each class the students are scored according to individually or in group according to their participation in the games. Both presence and participation in the games are taken into account by the professor. This way of scoring the students hasn´t been used in presential course yet. In its presential format, the students can practice different examples of recreation and leisure activities and activities created by the students during the course. The other strategies used in the course in presencial or online format are activities in small groups, comments about selected texts and power point presentations.
1. Experiences of cultural leisure contents - Repertoire: what it is, for whom and for what? 2. Theoretical approach and practical experiences reflected in the repertoire of activities in recreation and leisure: by content, by life stages: child, youth, adult and elderly, by environments.
Indicative reading:
This course does not have a textbook. Indicative reading: Dumazedier, J. (1974). Sociology of leisure. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; Mariano, S. H. ; Barbosa, F. S. ; Marcellino, N. C. (2012). Leisure spaces and equipment in the metropolitan area of Campinas, countryside of São Paulo state – Brazil. Loisir et Société/Society & Leisure, 34; Pasin, L. ; Silva, C. L. da., Robinson, T., Valdez Jr., D., Clemens, C. M., Hendershot, V., Robb, M. R., Hamilton, K., Origuela, M. A. (2015). Leisure and health: undergraduate and graduate students expectations from Brazil and the United States of action in the health field. Revista CPAQV, 7, p. 1-14.
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